Tom Atlee’s Published Writings,
Workshops & Conferences


Participatory Sustainability: Notes for an emerging field of civilizational engagement (Createspace, Mar 2016)
Empowering Public Wisdom: A Practical Vision of Citizen-Led Politics
 (North Atlantic Books, Aug 2012)
Reflections on Evolutionary Activism: Essays, Poems and Prayers from an Emerging Field of Sacred Social Change (CreateSpace, 2009)
The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World that Works for All with Rosa Zubizarreta (The Writers' Collective, 2003).
The First Little Book on Co-Intelligence, with Karen Mercer (The Co-Intelligence Institute, 1996), 66 page paperback booklet

Major Active Websites

Blog "Random Communications from an Evolutionary Edge"
Pattern LangageWise Democracy Pattern Language - essays and 70 “patterns” - initial version written by Tom Atlee

Published Articles

Fall 2016 “The Co-Evolution of My Communities, Co-Intelligent Process, and Activism” Communities magazine, Issue 172, pp 46-48.
2/16 “…and Best Practices for Dealing with Differences is exactly what it is…” Amazon review of Greg Nees’ Connecting Hearts and Minds: Insights, Skills, and Best Practices for Dealing with Differences.
2014 - “Polarization, Conversation, and Collective Intelligence”, Integral Leadership Review: Aug-Nov 2014.
2014 - “The Role of Collective Intelligence in the Wise Democracy Needed for Humanity’s Survival” in Spanda Journal: vol 2, 2014, pp 5-16.
3/14 “Really impressive - an unconventional topic, described clearly, remarkably” Amazon review of Rosa Zubizarreta’s From Conflict to Creative Collaboration: A User's Guide to Dynamic Facilitation.
2013 - “Transforming Power: Impact, Partnership and the Tao of Wholesome Power” in Kosmos, Fall/Winter 2013.
4/13 "Lies and Our Odd Relationship with Truth", Library of Professional Coaching
3/13 - “What Kind of power, for whom, and for what?”Amazon review of Moises Naim’s The End of Power.
2012 - “Voting is not enough”, The Intelligent Optimist, Sept/Oct 2012, pp. 68-75.
Spring 2011 "Positive Possibilities for a World in Crisis", Kosmos, Spring/Summer 2011
3/10 "Integral Politics as Process", Integral Review, Special issue: "Toward Development of Politics and the Political" (Vol 6, No. 1, pp 274-285)
2/10 "Avatar Transforming: The Movie. It's Power. Its Message. Its Possibilities..." and "Reflections on Evolutionary Activism", in Dialogue: Canada's Independent Voices Magazine, Vol 23, No. 5, Feb-Mar 2010, p. 55.
3/09 Book review of The Change Handbook in Kosmos, Spring/Summer 2009, p 20
10/08 "Crisis, Wisdom, and Political Will", International Initiatives, University of Houston-Clear Lake, Fall 2008, p 7.
8/08 "Evolving into a Bigger Us with Nature", Citizen Global Journey, Issue 8, August 2008
5/08 "An Evolutionary Vision for Democracy: Toward the Voice of the Whole", Kosmos, Spring/Summer 2008, Vol. VII No 2, pp 59-60
3/08 "Deep Democracy and Community Wisdom" in Healing Garden Journal, Mar/Apr 2008, pp. 28-29
3/08 "Evolutionary Dynamics and Social Systems", with Peggy Holman, Integral Leadership Review, Mar. 2008
10/07 “3 ways this book will make a really big difference”, Amazon review of Michael Dowd’s Thank God for Evolution.
2006 "Learning to Be Evolution", in Patterns: ASCD Systems Thinking/Chaos Theory Network/ASC Newsletter, Spring/Summer 2006, p. 9
2/05 "Beyond Public Opinion to Public Judgment,The Permaculture Activist, Issue 55, pp. 38-40
1/05 "It's All Relative: Abundance, Gratitude and Giving", Spirit in the Smokies, January 2005, p 22.
12/04 "A Personally Transformational Encounter of Left and Right", Sentient Times, December-January 2005, p 6-7. Also "Post Election Thoughts" p. 7; "Polarization Dynamics and a Passion for Inclusion" p. 8; and "British Columbia Establishes Citizen Deliberative Councils with Real Power" p. 8.
10/04 "The Left/Right Trap: Moving Beyond Polarization", EarthLight, Vol 14 No 2, Fall 2004, pp 43-45.
9/04 "Exploring the Dynamics of Polarization", New ConneXion, Sept/Oct 2004, p. 6
8/04 "Wisdom Of, By and For the Whole," The Bridging Tree, Fall 2004, p 3
8/04 "Let's Talk America: Beyond Polarization to Real Democracy", Spirit in the Smokies, Aug. 2004, pp 12-13.
8/04 "Left and Right: A Transformational Encounter," Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism, Fall 2004, pp. 24-25, 31
6/04 "Some Ways We Can Be Wise", The Systems Thinker, June/July 2004, p. 11
5/04 "Wisdom Councils," Spirit in the Smokies, May 2004, p. 14-15
Spring 2004 "Collective Intelligence", "Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal", International Association of Facilitators, Vol 6, Spring 2004, special edition on "Listening to the City: Public Participation and Group Facilitation in Redeveloping the World Trade Center Site", pp. 93-101.
9/03 "Deficit Disorders for a World on Edge", Talking Leaves, Fall/Winter 2003/2004, Vol 13 Nos 3&4, p. 24
7/03 "Declaration of Interdependence", Spirit in the Smokies, July 2003, p 7
5/03 "Politics for a Co-Creative World," Science of Mind, May 2003, Vol. 76 No. 5, pp. 91-98.
12/02 "Wisdom, Democracy, and the Core Commons," EarthLight: The Magazine of Spiritual Ecology, Fall/Winter 2002, pp 22-26.
12/02 "Citizen Panels," Yes!: A Journal of Positive Futures, Winter 2003, p. 43.
12/02 "Co-Intelligence: A Vision for Social Activism," IONS: Noetic Sciences Review, December 2002-February 2003, No. 62, pp. 22-27.
9/02 "A Vision of Co-Intelligent Activism," The Permaculture Activist, September 2002, Issue 48, pp. 2-7.
9/02 "America's Role in the World", Spirit in the Smokies, Sept 2002, p. 8-9
3/02 "Thoughts on the Israeli Soldiers' Claim for Peace," Spirit in the Smokies: Magazine of New Paradigm Living, March 2002, p. 33.
2002 "Using Synergy, Diversity, and Wholeness to Create a Wisdom Culture," Talking Leaves: A Journal of Our Evolving Ecological Culture, Vol. 11, No. 3, Winter 2002, pp. 26-29.
9/01 "Blessings and Privilege", Woman View, Fall 2001, pp 4-5
2/01 "New Advocacy Center Envisioned by Wisdom Council," The Other Paper, Feb. 2001, p. 7.
1/01 "First Innovative Community 'Wisdom Council' to be Held Here in Eugene," The Other Paper, Jan. 2001, p. 13.
11/00 "Beyond Positions: A Politics of Civic Co-creativity," The Other Paper, Nov 2000, pp 6-7.
2/00 "Ways to make a community stronger, wiser, more resilient and engaged," Front Porch News, Feb 2000, p. 2.
1/00 "A few survival tips," and "Thoughts on the Turning of the Millennium," Front Porch News, Jan 2000, p. 3.
2000 "How to Make a Decision Without Making a DecisionCommunities: Journal of Cooperative Living, Winter 2000, pp. 26-30.
2000 "Political Life: Moving from Collective Stupidity to Collective Intelligence,Talking Leaves: A Journal of Our Evolving Ecological Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer/Fall 2000, pp. 36-40.
12/99 "Co-Intelligence and Community Self-Organization" and "A Co-Intelligent Toolkit for Working with Groups," The Permaculture Activist, Dec. 1999, pp. 4-10.
10/99 "Searching for Juicy Sustainability," Front Porch News, Oct. 1999, p. 3.
1999 "Community Organizations, Local Government, and the Effort to Prepare Communities for Y2K," with Rosa Zubizarreta, National Civic Review, Vol. 88, No. 2, Summer 1999, pp. 95-107.
1999 "The Year 2000 Problem and Sustainability: Rediscovering Nature and Neighbors through Y2K", Talking Leaves, Spring/Summer 1999, p. 40.
1999 "Y2K and Sustainability", Co-op America Quarterly, Spring 1999, pp 20-22. (This article was excerpted in The Coastal View, Carpinteria, CA, Feb 18, 1999.)
1/99 "Community Compliance," HopeDance, Jan/Feb 1999, p. 10.
1/99 "Y2K Presents Spiritual and Emotional Challenges", Y2K Solutions, Jan. 1999 p 27
1/99 "Why the Year 2000 Problem is an Environmental Issue," Bay Echo, Jan 1999, p. 2.
1998 "Y2K Resources," YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, Winter 1998/99, p. 53.
1998 "The Transformational Dance: Communities and Y2K", Communities, Winter 1998, pp. 42-45.
1998 "Might Y2K be Yeast for BREAD?", BREAD Rising, Vol 2, Iss 3, p 3. [BREAD = "Berkeley Regional Exchange And Development", the name of Berkeley's local currency]
1998 "What You Can Do About Y2K: Political & Spiritual Empowerment", Earthlight, Summer 1998, p. 5 (subsequently reprinted in the Humboldt Senior Resource Center newsletter in Eureka, CA; date unknown)
1997 "Bringing Down Walls: A Native Elder's Earth & Spirit-Based Prison Program," Earthlight, Winter 1997/98, pp. 8-9, 22-23.
1996 "The Politics of Understanding," Yes!: A Journal of Positive Futures, Fall 1996, pp 37-39.
1995 "Some Notes on Group Learning and its Mission," Group Learning, Fall 1995, pp 4-5.
1/92 Alternatives for Changing Societies (a booklet distributed in Czechoslovakia and Russia, as well as to Thinkpeace subscribers) included Atlee's articles "Simple Little Known Truths about Democracy and Power" and "Surviving in the Global Free Market" and "Permaculture"
1991 "Transformational Politics", In Context, No. 30, Fall/Winter 1991, pp. 56-58.
1991 "The Conversion of the American Dream" in The Sacred Earth Journal, Winter '91
1990 "The Conversion of the American Dream" in In Context, No. 26, Fall '90, pp. 15-19.
1/90 "From Issues to Values; from Confrontation to Dialogue" in PeaceWork (AFSC)
8/89 "Thoughts on Flags" in The Folded Crane
1989 "Who is the Public" and "Education for Change" in Moving Toward Peace: A Study of Peace Movement Strategies and Tactics, booklet by SF Study Group
9/88 "Taking the World Personally" in Delmarva Peacework
6/87 "Movement Building and The Different Drum by M. Scott Peck" in PeaceWork (AFSC)
1986 "Who's Manipulating the Peace Movement" in Critique (Fall/Winter)
6/86 "Viewpoints from the Great Peace March" in PeaceWork (AFSC)
1986 The Peace March Update, Numbers 1-5 - newsletter of the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament, written and published by Karen Mercer and Tom Atlee, May-Nov 1986.

Chapters in books by others

"Public wisdom: The key to sustainability" in Methods for Sustainability, co-edited by Janette Hartz-Karp (Edward Elgar, 2017)
"Co-Intelligence, collective intelligence, and conscious evolution," in Mark Tovey (ed) Collective Intelligence: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace (Earth Intelligence Network, Oakton, Virginia, 2008), pp. 5-14. Aslo "Epilogue", pp. 513-514.
"Defining 'Collective Intelligence', in Nasreen Taher (ed), Collective Intelligence: An Introduction (ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2005), pp. 3-13. Also "Levels/Realms of Human Collective Intelligence" pp. 29-36; "Is Collective Intelligence like Individual Intelligence?" pp 47-53; "Political Life: Moving from Collective Stupidity to Collective Intelligence" pp. 197-209.
"Principles to Nurture Wise Democratic Procss and Collective Intelligence in Public Participation" in Sandy Schuman (ed) Creating a Culture of Collaboration: The International Association of Facilitators Handbook (Jossey-Bass, 2006), pp. 456-458.
"Y2K as a Doorway to Resilience and Renewal," in Just In Case: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Y2K Crisis, ed. by Michael Brownlee, Barbara Stahura and Robert Yehling (Origin Press, 1999), pp. 135-142.
"Questions for Public Officials," with Gordon Davidson and Margo King, translated by Haru Murakawa, in Japanese Y2K Action Guide, 1999, pp. 71-76.
"Y2K and Environmentalism," in Japanese Y2K Action Guide, 1999, pp. 122-128.
"Questions for Public Officials," with Gordon Davidson and Margo King, in Y2K Citizen's Action Guide (Utne, 1998), pp. 42-45.
"Finding our Way to Sustainability Through Y2K: A Resource Guide" compiled with Gayle M. Parrish and Panther Wilde, in Y2K Citizen's Action Guide (Utne, 1998), pp. 116-118. (The Utne Y2K Guide also featured a cover quote by Tom Atlee)
"Is the Y2K Problem for Real?" pp 13-18; "How to Think About Y2K" pp 39-45; "Why Community-Based Responses Make More Sense" pp 100-106; "Your Unique Role in Addressing Y2K" pp 122-127 in Awakening: The Upside of Y2K, ed. with Judy Laddon and Larry Shook (The Printed Word, 1998)

Books by others in which Tom Atlee's collaboration is acknowledged

Peggy Holman, Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity (Berrett-Koehler, 2010)
Don Schneider, Communicating Across the Divides in Our Everyday Lives: A psychological field manual for constructive dialogue about social and environmental concerrns, and the progress of civilization (Elkdream Media, 2009)
Michael Dowd, Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion will Transform Your Life and Our World (Viking, 2008)
Peggy Holman, et al, The Change Handbook: The Definitive Resource on Today's Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems (Berrett-Koehler, 2008)
Juanita Brown with David Isaacs and the World Café Community, The World Café: Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter (Berrett-Koehler, 2005)
(John Ott, et al, Centered on the Edge: Mapping a Field of Collective Intelligence and Spiritual Wisdom (Fetzer Institute, 2001)
Jay Earley, Transforming Human Culture (SUNY Press, 1997).
Arnold Mindell, Sitting in the Fire (Lao Tse Press, 1995)
Ken Norwood and Kathleen Smith, Rebuilding Community in America (Shared Living Resource Center, 1995)
Frances Moore Lappé and Paul Du Bois The Quickening of America (Jossey-Bass, 1994)
Carolyn Schaffer and Kristin Anundsen, Creating Community Anywhere (Tarcher, 1993)

Recorded speeches and published interviews

4/16 “The Promise of Collective Intelligence”, Association for the Tree of Life “The Future is Calling Us to Greatness” video interview with Michael Dowd
8/15 “Beyond Polarization to Wholeness”, interview with Dr. Emmett Miller podcast.
10/14 “Big Empathy: Creating a Wise Democracy and a Caring Economy” speech in New York.
9/13 “Generational Justice: Being privileged ancestors of future generations” speech at Florence (Oregon) Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
10/12 “Collective Intelligence and Wisdom”, Song of a Citizen video interview at the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation conference.
3/12 "Collective Intelligence: Conscious Evolution of a Sustainable World" Interview with Dr. Emmett Miller podcast
1/12 Phone presentation and "Confab Call" seminar on Empowering Public Wisdom with Sandy Heierbacher and members of the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
12/11 Phone presentation and seminar on Evolutionary Activism with Barbara Marx Hubbard's "Agents of Conscious Evolution Training"
3/11 Phone presentation and seminar on Evolutionary Activism with Craig Hamilton's "Awakening the Impulse to Evolve" course (audio)
12/10 Interview on Wise Democracy with Annabel Park, cofounder of the Coffee Party (audio)
7/09 TEDx Warwick talk on Wise Democracy (video of Skype talk)
11/08 Phone presentation and seminar with Louise Diamond's "How to Change the World" systems thinking course.
10/06 Voices from 2020: Conscious Evolution through Co-Intelligence (audio)- Stranova backcasting interview with Bill Velrop and Firehawk
9/04 Changesurfer Radio interview on Tao of Democracy
8/07 "How to be Compassionate in a Complex Living System" (video), closing remarks at the first Story Field Conference, Colorado, August 2007.
5/04 "From Group Magic to a Wise Democracy" at Community at Work, San Francisco, May 2004 (made into a VHS video)
3/03 Maureen McCarthy and Gayatri Lee, "Interview with Tom Atlee and Review of his book: The Tao of Democracy." Spirit in the Smokies, March 2003, pp 10-12
10/2000 Interview with Jim Rough on Co-Intelligence (audio); video version here.
6/99 "Y2K is a Door that Looks like a Wall" at Catalyst 2000, Ashland, OR, June 6, 1999 (made into a video)
3/99 "Y2K: Reorienting Our Values: A conversation with Tom Atlee and Jay Earley," interviewed by Michael Toms and excerpted in New Dimensions, Mar-Apr, 1999. p. 4-7.

Workshops, speeches, presentations, testimony, conferences (facilitated or organized)(partial list)

"Leveraging and Scaling-Up Group Dialogue and Deliberation to Bridge Larger Social Divides" workshop at National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation conference, with Rosa Zubizarreta, Oct 2016
Ways to Wiser Democracy” course - online, 20 people, 8 sessions, participatory forum - Sept-Nov 2016.
Community and Bioregional Resilience - Organized and facilitated this Open Space Conference in Eugene, OR, March 2012.
The Eugene Climate and Energy Action Plan, City of Eugene Oregon, 2009-2010. Co-created the highly participatory public engagement process and facilitated two of the seven public forums involving more than 500 community members.
"The Underlying Dynamics of Conversations that Matter" (with Peggy Holman) at the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation conference, October 2, 2008, Austin, TX
"Replacing Force with Consciousness: A Co-Evolutionary Dance Toward Nonviolent Social Systems" (with Peggy Holman) at Nonviolence as a Way of Life conference, September 12, 2008, Eugene, OR
"How can journalists, citizen journalists, and bloggers enhance democracy's collective intelligence and community wisdom?" at Journalism that Matters conference, June 2008, Minneapolis, MN
The First Story Field Conference, August 2007, Shambhala Mountain Center, CO (co-organized with Peggy Holman)
Evolutionary Salon 4: "Philanthropy, Love, and Evolution", June 25-30, 2006, Gold Lake Mountain Resort, Ward, CO (co-organized with Peggy Holman)
Evolutionary Salon 3: "Listening into the Future", May 2006, Whidbey Island, Washington (co-organized with Peggy Holman)
Evolutionary Salon 2: "Collective Intelligence", January 2006, Whidbey Island, Washington (co-organized with Peggy Holman)
Evolutionary Salon 1: "Evolutionary Directionality", May 2005, Hunter-Liggett, California (co-organized with Peggy Holman and Michael Dowd)
"Beyond Intelligence Reform: Shifting from Intelligence to Co-Intelligence" at the Open Source Intelligence conference, April 2004, Arlington, VA
"Citizen Deliberative Councils and Democratic Innovations," Oregon PeaceFest III, Eugene, OR, Feb 2003; Teach-in, San Francisco State Univ., Nov 2002; Dialogue and Deliberation Conference, Alexandria, VA, Oct. 2002; Creative Democracy Conf., Boise, ID, Oct. 2002; Co-Creating Structures For Change, Seattle, WA, June 2002
"Co-intelligence and Co-stupidity in Public Participation," International Association for Public Participation, Cascadia Chapter, Eugene, OR, Sept 2002
"Holistic Politics," Permaculture Guild, Eugene, OR, Apr 2001, Sept 2001, Dec 2001.
"An Alternative Approach to Democracy," Global Peoples' Assembly, Seattle, WA, Dec 2000
Interviews for Fetzer "Centered on the Edge" project, Aug-Sept 2000
"Co-Intelligent Processes for Communities," Fellowship of Intentional Communities conference, Eugene, OR, June 2000
Corporations as Organisms conference (online facilitator), Mar 2000
"Holistic Politics," Permaculture Guild, Eugene, OR, Feb 2000, May 2000, Sept 2000
Telluride, CO, Y2K Community Forum (speaker), Nov 1999
"Y2K is a Door that Looks Like a Wall," Ashland, OR, June 1999
Co-intelligent processes workshop, Eugene, OR, Mar 1999
Y2K Preparedness Class (speaker), Eugene, OR, Mar 1999
Ukiah, CA, Y2K Community Forum (speaker), Mar 1999
Y2K Open Space Conference, Oakland, CA (org, fac) Feb 1999
Alternative/Local Currencies Conference (fac OS, circles), Palo Alto, CA, Feb 1999
Testimony to the CA State Senate Oversight Hearing on Year 2000 Preparedness, Feb 1999
Several radio interviews and Bay Area Y2K forums, Jan-May 1999
Spokane, WA, Y2K Community Forum (speaker), Oct 1998
Bioneers Conference Y2K workshop, San Francisco, CA, Oct 1998
Natural Step Open Space Conference (org, fac), Berkeley, CA, Nov 1997
"What is Societal Intelligence?", Feb-Oct 1993, an 8-month written dialogue involving Robert Theobald, Fran Peavey, Howard Rheingold, Willis Harman, Hazel Henderson, Andrew Schmookler, Arnold Mindell, Duane Elgin, Charles Johnston, Eleanore M. Cooper and a dozen others.

Briefing Papers, and chapters in briefing booklets and major proposals by others

"What if There is A Technical Fix for Y2K?", "Why Community-Based Responses Make More Sense," "Some Y2K Opportunities" (excerpt from "Y2K and the Environment") and "What Sort of Spiritual and Emotional Challenges Does Y2K Present?" in The Year 2000 Problem: An Opportunity to Build Community: A Guide for Y2K Study Circles, published by the Northern California Earth Institute in March 1999.
"How the Media can Make or Break Our Society's Encounter with Y2K", in Reporting the Future: Y2K: Perspectives and Resources for the Media, published by The Arlington Institute, March 1999, pp 18-23.
"Government & City Officials: Q&A", with Gordon Davidson, Margo King, Jim Laurie, in Reporting the Future: Y2K: Perspectives and Resources for the Media, published by The Arlington Institute, March 1999, pp. 27-31.
"Citizen Participation: Engaging the Public in a National Response to the Year 2000 Problem", in the All Together Now proposal to U.S. Congress, Nov 1998, pp 27-34.
Briefing reports on "Green Cities in Czechoslovakia" for the Czechoslovakian Federal Environmental Ministry, May-June 1991.

Board, council, and other public service committee memberships

Eugene Aging in Community, co-organizer of this local network of elders, 2016
Evolutionary Life, co-founder and board member, 2008-2010
National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation, steering committee member, 2002-2005
Progressive Coalition Planning Committee volunteer, Eugene, OR 2001
Whitaker Neighborhood Council elected member, Eugene, OR 1999-2000
The Co-Intelligence Institute founder and board member 1997-present
The Center for Group Learning board member, Oakland, CA 1996-1999
Transformational Learning Community co-founder (with Robert Theobald) 1993-1995
Ecology Center elected board member, Berkeley, CA 1991-1992
Great Peace March Policy Board elected member 1986
Peace Desk, Mondale-Ferrarro Campaign, Boston, MA 1984

Invitational conference attendence

Nexus: Global Youth Summit, July 2011, New York City
Global Visioning Synergizer, September 2010, IONS EarthRise Retreat Center, Petaluma, CA
Leadership in a Self-Organizing World, May 2009, Leavenworth, WA
Working Group on Systems Thinking for Policy-Makers, Washington, DC, November 2008
First Evolutionary Salon, May 2005
First International Mary Parker Follett Conversation on Creative Democracy, Boise, ID, Oct. 2002
First National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation, Alexandria VA, Oct. 2002
International Association for Public Participation, Cascadia Chapter, Eugene, OR, Sept 2002
Pathways Invitational Gathering, Tahoe, NV, June 2001
Nonviolent Communication Social Change strategy meeting, Oakland, CA, Oct 2000
Hollyhock Invitational Gathering, BC, Aug 1999, Nov 1999, Aug 2000
Fetzer Institute Y2K National Gathering, Kalamazoo, MI, Feb 1999
National Coalition 2000 Strategic Planning Retreat, Washington, DC, Nov 1998
Y2K Community Preparedness Gathering, Boulder, CO (helped plan), Aug 1998

Thinkpeace articles:

1985-1994 - 49 articles for Thinkpeace. This peace movement journal was edited and published by David Martinez through the July 1989 issue. Tom Atlee edited and published it from September 1989 through October 1994. All articles below were written by Tom Atlee. Those marked with a * were subsequently translated and reprinted in the Slovak journal For Life.

10/94 "What is Co-Intelligence," "Co-Intelligence and Social Change," "Five forms of co-intelligence," "Ways of Co-Intelligence," "Some characteristics of a co-intelligent society," "Notes on positive co-intelligent social change actions," "Guidelines for co-intelligent social change," "Overcoming obstacles to Co-Intelligence," and "When I awoke to co-intelligence,"
9/92 "Using the 1992 Elections to Build Democracy" and "Deep Democracy and Community Wisdom"
1/92 "Dialogue at the Heart of Change" and "The Newsweek Columbus Challenge"
9/91* "Transformational Politics"
6/91* "Czechoslovakia and Humanity's Crisis of Development" (based on three research papers which Atlee wrote for the Czechoslovakian Environmental Ministry, which they reprinted and distributed but didn't officially publish)
3/91* "Beyond Anti-War, A New World Community," "Sources of the Gulf War," "Ten Ways to Transform the Media" and "A Note on Adversarial Analyses"
12/90 "Community, Democracy and Beyond"
3/90* "A Guide to the Movement Action Plan" and "Interview with Bill Moyer"
1/90 "Using the 1990s to Transform American Politics"
11/89 "The Conversion of the American Dream" and "Interview with Richard Healey"
9/89 "Peacework in a Changing World" and "The Listening Project: an Interview with Herb Walters"
7/89 "A Time to Gather Stones Together" and "Thoughts on Flags"
5/89 "More Notes on Power and Peace"
3/89 "Moving to Higher Ground"
1/89 "Some Notes on Power and Peace"
11/88 "Powerful Poverty"
9/88 "Finding the 'Best Way'"
7/88 "Taking the World Personally"
5/88 "The Long Run - The Whole Way"
3/88 "A Green Direction for Peace"
1/88 "Thinking Big About Election Year"
11/87 "Peacebuilding"
9/87 "Bits and Peaces"
7/87 "A Whole Peace"
5/87 "Towards a Science of Peace"
3/87 "Evolving Towards Peace"
1/87 "Two Peace Movement Paradoxes"
11/86 "Mobile Peace Activism"
9/86 "Building Our Own Game"
7/86 "Peace City and the Peace Movement"
5/86 "Who Owns the Game?"
11/85 "Mobilization of Diversity"

Published Poetry

2009 Twenty-seven poems included in Reflections on Evolutionary Activism: Essays, Poems and Prayers from an Emerging Field of Sacred Social Change (CreateSpace, 2009)
1986 "Everywhere Into Am" and "A Texture of Water" in Libra (Antioch College) Fall
1984 "What Win?" in San Fernando Poetry Journal VI-3
1984 "Freedom and Demo" in San Fernando Poetry Journal VI-1
1983 "Cinderella Leaf" in American Poetry Anthology, Spring/Summer
1982 "Night Song of the Seaside Jogger" (prize poem) in Bury Me Sioux
1969 IFONLY, self-published book of poetry
1966 "Where is Dresden?" in Ann Arbor Friends Meeting Bulletin
1960 "Albert Schweitzer's Contributions" in The Times Express (Monroeville, PA)