Jennifer Atlee | Board Secretary

Jennifer Atlee is a green building professional, climate justice activist, gardener, regenerative homesteader, and parent. Jennifer has decades of experience supporting sustainable and regenerative practices in building design, construction, and manufacturing industries. She is active in climate and racial justice organizing, with an eye toward shifting economy and culture in regenerative and liberatory ways. 

At 10 years old, Jennifer joined the great peace march that sparked Tom’s co-intelligence journey. She started paying deeper attention to her father’s work only after many years observing how group processes could make or break initiatives she was involved in. She was motivated to join the board after it became unavoidably clear that how we collectively govern our affairs underlies our ability to address everything else she cares about. 

Jennifer brings strategic and operational capacity and a commitment to bringing wise democracy to life in the world. She is passionate about cultivating capacity in the change ecosystem through supporting practitioners engaged in related experimentation, uplifting the work of indiginous peoples and communities engaging in effective wise governance and systems change by other names, and helping multi-stakeholder networks and communities work well together in implementing a practical and transformative climate justice agenda. 

As a living being, time outdoors with more-than-human kin is her nonnegotiable counterpoint to computer-based systems change work. She lives in Nipmuc land in the Connecticut River Valley, in Western Massachusetts.