Andy Paice | Board President

Andy Paice is a participatory democracy facilitator, convener, and consultant based in London, England. His interest in facilitating group conversations began with involvement in democracy campaigns in the early 2010s. Experiences of collective breakthroughs in group discussions ignited a desire to learn more about facilitation and how communities and societies come to mutually beneficial outcomes. This led him to discover Tom Atlee’s work and in 2017 he attended the Institute’s “Ways to a Wiser Democracy” online course.

Since then, inspired by frequent interactions with Tom, he endeavors to integrate Co-Intelligence principles into his work with local municipalities. This has included designing a series of over 40 community assemblies in the London Borough of Newham, public engagements using the interactive survey tool, facilitating Citizens’ Assemblies and deliberative forums on diverse issues such as Climate Change, the Future of Britain after the EU referendum, Digital Ethics and Assisted Dying.

He is also passionate about working with different ways of knowing and has experience with modalities like Dynamic Facilitation, Theory U, Voice Dialogue, and Deep Democracy. In the late ‘90s and early ‘00s, Andy was a Buddhist monastic in a community in France. Nowadays when not doing democracy-related activities he enjoys swimming, cycling, and gardening.