Catalyzing the integrated application of
co-intelligence to democratic renewal and civic culture.

Research & Writing

We have researched many aspects of co-intelligence—from community-building, organizational development, and multiple intelligences, to cosmic consciousness, sustainable technologies, and family systems therapy. We gather co-intelligent approaches and ideas, share them broadly, and do original explorations into underlying dynamics and characteristics.

We have done intensive research on how to redesign democratic institutions and culture to enable citizens to dependably create community wisdom together. Earlier research took us into the realms of participatory sustainability, Big Empathy, and evolutionary dynamics that can guide the transformation of social systems.

We have written extensively on co-intelligence, from ideas and techniques to stories and visions. We invite you to explore a selection of these writings on this site (see buttons to the right), as well as the following: The Co-Intelligence Institute’s original website, The Wise Democracy Project, and Tom Atlee’s blog.

Network Weaving

We link people involved in co-intelligent activities to each other and to ideas and tools that will help them increase the co-intelligence in their lives, communities, and societies.

We are currently engaged in an initiative to map the ecosystem of organizations and practitioners who are working to improve and transform democracy. If you would like to get involved please send us a note!

Conferences & Conversations

We organize and facilitate dialogues on questions we deem valuable for creating a co-intelligent culture.

We also co-sponsor or participate in strategic conferences and conversations organized by others aimed at creating breakthroughs towards greater co-intelligence and positive cultural evolution.

Consultation & Presentation

If the materials on this site suggest to you that we could be of service to your organization, community, or activity, please get in touch.

We frequently share ideas and engage diverse audiences in critical and creative exploration of topics related to co-intelligence and wise democracy.